Mallorca: Our trip does not lead us to a busy tourist location but to one of the most secluded and beautiful places on the island: nature reservoir Mondrago with its remote bays and beaches, pine forests, caves, and waterfalls Третьяковская Галерея. Christiane and me will teach classes there for two weeks in October (3-17) – you can book one or both – and DJ Christoph Ronnecker will put on the music at the evening milongas every night. Info + booking via La Milonga Travels.
Vis: Vis is a pristine island in the Adriatic sea far off the Croatian coast. Situated in a deep bay our holiday place Komiža offers a number of cultural and historic sites, monasteries and fortresses. It is also famous for its fishermen. Ines and me will teach classes there from August 8 to September 5. Info + booking via